Applications are due Friday, November 15
The International Relations Committee of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) has announced the availability of traveling fellowships to Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), Germany, and Japan.
The traveling fellowships encourage the international exchange of information concerning surgical science, practice, and education and foster professional and academic collaborations and friendships. The traveling fellowships, which are available in most surgical specialties, are open to ACS Fellows under the age of 50.
The Traveling Fellows will spend a minimum of two or three weeks in the countries that they visit. Their activities will include attending and participating in the 2020 annual scientific meeting of the host country: Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Perth (May 3-7); Germany Society of Surgery, Munich (April 8–10); and Japan Surgical Society, Chiba (April 8–10). View the full description and a link to the application form on the ACS website. [].
Questions may be directed to the Scholarships Administrator, at