We invite ACS-member surgical residents and associate fellows to submit ONE case worthy of a discussion at the annual Spectacular Cases panel at Clinical Congress 2020.
Seven selected spectacular cases will be selected. This is an opportunity for residents and associate fellows to present a case with spectacular significance (hint: because of a multidisciplinary approach in how the case was managed). Cases will be presented in an M & M style of case discussion. Selected spectacular cases (NOT case reports) will be presented to a group of expert panel members, followed by an interactive discussion.
The discussion will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, from 8:00 – 11:15 am at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2020, in Chicago, IL.
Submissions are due by 5:00 pm CST on May 3, 2020. No exceptions for late entries.
You will need for your application:
- Name
- Title
- Institution you are working at/training at
- City, state
- PGY level
- Phone number, preferably cell phone
- Email address
- Twitter handle
- One-page, 300 words (or less) abstract that includes the title and description of the case. Pictures and/or graphs are permitted. The references included can be outside of the 300-word limit.
Submit your ONE case here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MY8HLJN
Contact Alison Powers at apowers@facs.org with any questions.