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  • July 15, 2022 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    The Committee on Resident Education is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on the committee. The committee’s mission is to address issues of resident education in surgery, including the educational environment, characteristics of the resident population, graduate surgical education curricular issues and competency, and faculty development as educators.

    To be eligible for consideration, please send a letter expressing your interest in becoming a member of this committee and an updated CV to Brad DeFabo Akin ( by August 15, 2022.


    Medical Student Travel Award to Clinical Congress – Deadline July 22

    The ACS Division of Member Services created an award for one medical student interested in surgery to attend four days at Clinical Congress 2022 in San Diego, CA. Registration and travel expenses will be reimbursed up to $2,000 (with applicable receipts). 

    Application Terms and Requirements:  

    • This award is only open to domestic medical student members transitioning into surgical residency 
    • Applicants must be a current member of the American College of Surgeons  
    • Applicants must be in their final year of medical school and matched into surgical residency program 
    • The award recipient must upgrade their medical student membership to residence status 
    • The awardee must join a RAS-ASC Committee of their choice and participate in conference calls leading up to Clinical Congress 2022 

    Application Process: Applications will be accepted online until 11:59 PM on Friday, July 22. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.        

    Apply here:                                                          
  • June 13, 2022 10:09 AM | Anonymous

     The legislative session ended the first week of June. Overall, the session was a success for the NY Chapter ACS resulting in the enactment of telehealth payment parity, maintaining funding for Physician Excess Medical Malpractice without any changes to eligibility, and helping to defeat inappropriate scope of practice expansions. The Chapter was able to secure passage in both the Senate and Assembly for Chest Wall Reconstruction (S.7881/A.8537) and Colorectal Cancer Screenings at 45 (S.906B/A.2085B).  Both bills now await signature from the Governor. The NY Chapter ACS also promoted prior authorization reforms which has helped to set stage and momentum for action in 2023.

    2022 Advocacy Day Target Issues:

    Prior Authorization Reform
    Support: Prior Authorization Proposed Gold Card Program (S.8299 RULES/A.9908A INSURANCE)

    Support: Prior Authorization Utilization Review (S.6435A RULES /A.7129A INSURANCE)

    Support: Carter's Law - Give Kids a Chance (S.24 / A1943 Insurance Committees)

    Call for a Study on the NYS Trauma System and Disaster Preparedness:

    Support: Stop the Bleed Training in High School Health Education Classes:

    Support: Stop the Bleed Kits in Schools (A.6462 Held for Consideration):

    Support: Provide Coverage for Chest Wall Reconstruction (S.7881/A.8537)   PASSED Awaits Gov. Signature

    Support: Colorectal Cancer Screenings at 45 (S.906B/A.2085B)  PASSED Awaits Gov. Signature

  • June 08, 2022 10:14 AM | Anonymous

    ACS Calls for Urgent Action to Address US Firearm Violence Epidemic

    In response to recent and continuing firearm violence, the ACS hosted a recent news conference during which leaders of the organization reiterated their commitment to collaborating with lawmakers and communities with the goal of addressing this public health epidemic. Click here for more information.

    ACS In-Person CPT Coding Workshop

    Interested in refining your general surgery coding skills and keeping up with new codes? Register now to attend an ACS CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) coding workshop on Friday, June 24, and Saturday, June 25, in Dallas, TX. Register today!

    Women in Surgery Committee Membership Applications: Due June 15

    The mission of the Women in Surgery Committee (WiSC) is to enable women surgeons of all ages and practice types to develop their individual potential as professionals; promote an environment that fosters inclusion, respect, and success; develop, encourage and advance women surgeons as leaders; and provide a forum and networking opportunities to enhance women’s surgical career satisfaction. Click here for more information.

    Claude H. Organ Jr., MD, FACS, Traveling Fellowship: Applications Due June 30

    The Organ Traveling Fellowship is awarded to an outstanding young surgeon so he or she can attend an educational meeting or make an extended visit to an institution of his or her choice, tailored to his or her research interests. The successful applicant will receive the sum of $5,000 U.S. Click here for more information.


  • May 30, 2022 10:03 AM | Anonymous

    Karen Altfest recently joined the podcast REPURPOSED After 40 with life coach Lissa Figgins to discuss being a Financially Savvy Woman.

    The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago…and the second best time is today. The same is true for planning your financial future. Karen Altfest is a personal wealth advisor who specializes in educating and empowering women and widows by teaching them to be a financially savvy woman. Now is the time to position yourself for financial strength and growth.

    Click to listen to the podcast with Karen Altfest

  • May 06, 2022 10:12 AM | Anonymous

    The ACS New York Chapter organized a virtual advocacy day with state legislators and staff on April 26, which garnered participation from surgeons across the state. Their efforts included:

    • Advocating for state legislation that would establish a “gold card” prior authorization program, in which insurers will exempt physicians and other care providers from Prior Authorization requirements if they receive at least 90% approval for prior authorizations for that specific health care treatment (Senate Bill [SB] 8299/AB 9908A)
    • Creating a separate process for more timely prior authorizations (SB 6435A/AB 7129A)
    • Training school personnel on STOP THE BLEED® and installing bleeding control kits in public schools (AB 6462)
    • Requiring insurance coverage of colorectal cancer screenings for individuals aged 45 or older (SB 906B/AB 2085A)
    • Requiring insurance coverage for chest wall reconstruction after mastectomy in patients with breast cancer (SB 7881/AB 8537)

    As a result of those meetings, the New York Assembly Insurance Committee passed the chest wall reconstruction legislation the following day. The bill is expected to move to the Assembly floor for a full vote before the end of the year.

    Read more

  • April 30, 2022 9:59 AM | Anonymous

    When Is It Time to Let Go?

    By Karen Caplan Altfest

    For many people, retirement is their ultimate life goal. To achieve their desired retirement lifestyle, habitual saving — beginning early and compounding regularly — is important. As financial advisors, we strive to teach our clients that lesson well. We also have told them in which tax-advantaged vehicles they should save. But we often don’t let people know that at certain times in their lives, it’s appropriate to let go, to begin to use the money they diligently put away for decades. I think some are waiting for a sign: “Now it is all right to spend,” or “You will be OK if you spend on your medical needs, your retirement costs, even sometimes on your loved ones!”

    Rather than counseling clients on the freedom to spend as they age, we put a lot of time into thinking about whether retirees can safely withdraw either 3% or 4% from their portfolios in retirement.

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  • March 31, 2022 10:04 AM | Anonymous

    Financial Advisor, Jessica Nelson, CPA, CFP®, on March 23, 2022, shared top tax reduction strategies for clients as we approach tax season. As many people think about their tax situation in March, one of Altfest Personal Wealth Management’s top tax experts share strategies related to tax efficient portfolio management, tax retirement savings strategies, and tax deductions that could work for you.

     Watch the webinar replay

  • March 09, 2022 3:39 PM | Anonymous

    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in New York State. According to the New York State Department of Health, over 16,400 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

    A mastectomy is the surgical removal of one or both (double mastectomy) breasts and is typically performed to treat breast cancer or in some cases, decrease the risk of breast cancer. More than 100,000 US women undergo some form of mastectomy each year. After breast tissue has been removed, additional work is often required to smooth out and trim any excess skin to restore an optimal chest contour with a clean symmetric incision closure. While most breast cancer patients who forgo traditional breast reconstruction expect aesthetic flat reconstruction to be included with mastectomy costs, the operation is not currently covered under most insurance policies.

    The emotional and financial impact of breast cancer and subsequent mastectomies can be devastating, particularly if patients lack access to reconstruction surgery options available in today’s healthcare market.

    The New York Chapter issues its support for enactment of S.7881/A.8537

  • February 28, 2022 10:06 AM | Anonymous

    In the article titled, “The Right Dividend Stock Fund for You,” Dr. Lewis J. Altfest, Ph.D., CFA, CFP ®, CPA, PFS discusses strategies for researching and selecting dividend stocks. The article highlights dividend stock strategies that can increase total return on investment.

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  • January 10, 2022 12:49 PM | Anonymous

    We're helping to kick off ACS Surgeon Well-Being Month! Join us as we highlight a series of videos celebrating individual and team building well-being activities!

    This week is Living Life Now: Lessons on Thriving and Flourishing
    (7 minutes):

    Taylor Riall, MD, PhD, FACS, joins Rohan Jeyarajah, MD, FACS to discuss her passion for living life in the now and the lessons in her life that led her to discover how to thrive and flourish as a surgeon and a person.

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Uniting efforts to improve the quality of surgical practice in NYS and care to surgical patients.

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New York Chapter American College of Surgeons
150 State Street, Floor 4, Albany NY 12207  Phone: (518) 953-5401 |  Fax: (518) 514-1424

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